What are the symbols around the Pagan Pride Logo?

Some Symbols used in this logo are courtesy of Alternative Religions at About.com
On the left side, top to bottom:
- The Yin/Yang symbol, a sign of balance – from Easternphilosophies, but used by many Pagans
- The Celtic Cross, or equal-armed cross – again a sign of balance,often symbolizing the four cardinal directions/classical elements. Alsosimilar to the Native American medicine wheel, though many NativeAmericans do not consider themselves Pagan.
- The Thor’s Hammer, a symbol of Asatru/Heathens, Norse Pagans.
- The Triple Goddess symbol: the waxing, full, and waning moons,symbolizing the Goddess as Maiden, Mother, and Crone
- The Eye of Horus: an Egyptian Pagan symbol
- Venus of Willendorf: This figurine dates from 24,000-22,000 BCE and isa Mother Goddess symbol
- Ankh: Egyptian Pagan symbol symbolizing eternal life
And the right side, top to bottom:
- The Pentacle: the most common symbol used in Wicca or Witchcraft.Its five points symbolize Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit, in thecircle of eternity.
- The Triskelion: used in Celtic Paganism, symbol of the Celticelements Earth, Sea, and Sky.
- The Celtic Cross: symbol of Celtic and Gnostic Paganism
- Stone Megaliths: Like Stonehenge, a Druid symbol
- The Green Man: consort to the Triple Goddess, the God of nature
- The Enneagram: a New Age symbol of interconnectedness
- The Tree of Life: from the Qabala, a Jewish mystic tradition appropriated into Western magick and occult systems
For More Information, Visit the Pagan Pride National Site