Taylor Elwood – Workshop Coordinator and Presenter
Workshop Title: Space/Time Magic
Description: In Space/Time Magic, Taylor shares his experiences and theories of practicing magic through a space/time lens. Identify components of space-time magic meaningful to you and learn to use them in the following ways:
- Integrate iterative rites into your regular practice
- Re-sequence linear time using non-linear consciousness
- Enter other-worlds to create shifts in this one
- Engage with planetary cycles to improve results
- Align possibilities with reality through sigil magic
- Connect with the spirits of spatial directions
- and many more space/time methods to empower your magical work
In this unique workshop designed just for Pagan Pride Day 2024, I’ll share with you how powerfully space/time magic works for us. You’ll learn how to use our techniques to get better results for yourself and your communities.
Bio: Taylor Ellwood is a magical experiment and maverick in the occult world as well as the author of multiple books on magic including The Process of Magic, Scrying the Divine and Space/Time Magic. He creates cutting edge innovative magical process which he shares through books, classes and consulting. To learn more about him please visit https://www.magicalexperiments.com.

Alaine Keady LMT, Witch/Sorceress of Earth Based Magics
Workshop Title: Breaching Charms to Enhance Your Witchcraft Practice.
Description: The Workshop on Breaching Charms will discuss and demonstrate the fundamentals of creating Breaching Charms for your witchcraft practice. A Breaching Charm is a pattern we create, within a sacred space, to reach out to the hidden powers and spirits that inhabit the natural world and inhabit our own spiritual ecologies. Using carefully chosen words to speak over the charm, the working establishes a relationship between the practitioner and the unseen forces that co-inhabit the spaces they live in.
Bio: I study the hidden shamanic dimensions of European Folklore through the historic lens of Fairytale and Witchcraft. In the old stories you find hidden doorways that the modern witch can open to connect to the hidden spiritual ecology of their own life. To “Breach” to the Unseen Dimension and reach out to the Secret Powers, that protect and nurture, both our lives’ and our environments. A bold but rewarding endeavor. People sometimes call these powers Fairies- and the deep cultural and mythological implications of Fairies overlap with accounts of historical witchcraft. I’ve been in deep study for the last few years, strengthening my abilities to create liminal spaces to both contact the spirit realm and to worship and frolic in the space where it converges with our own world. Fae Magic to the deepest extreme.
My passion is strong Devotional workings to the Powers of the Land, and Initiation of others into the deeper mysteries of Devotional Fayerie Witchcraft. I lead private circles on our rural farmstead and take joy in all kinds of gardening and “homestead” type activities.

Cat Gina Cole
Bio: Cat Gina Cole was raised in a closed family tradition of magic and Witchcraft by her grandmother and mother. Her mother encouraged her dreams and astral travel when Cat was small, then began giving her books like The Third Eye by Laub Sang Rampa when she was ten years old. Then her mom and Grandma would discuss the books and teach her the magical principles. At the age of 13 Cat was initiated into the family tradition, which they usually called “The Craft.”
At the age of fourteen Cat’s mother gave her the book The ABCs of Witchcraft by Doreen Valiente. At the age of sixteen Cat was given the book, The Magic Power of Witchcraft by Frost. These books and the careful guidance of her mother and grandmother greatly influenced Cat’s magical practices.
At the age of sixteen Cat was adept in many magical and psychic practices, like divination, astral travel, dream work, spells, herbalism, and energy work.
Cat’s mother is what is known today as a Christian Witch, but back then was called a Christian Mystic, her mother’s influence gave Cat the ability to keep her mind open so she could tap into any energy or presence she desired and an interfaith approach to magic and life. Cat’s grandmother was much more traditional and taught her the ways of a hedge witch, wort cunning and the knowing, which is a blend of clairsentience, personal gnosis and claircognizance. By the time Cat was eighteen she was adept in mediumship, clairvoyance, psychometry, intuitive readings, and empathic work.
Later Cat chose to be a counselor where she eventually became a master’s in social work with a focus on addiction and worked with those who were dual diagnosed, having both mental health issues and an addiction. During her fifteen years as a counselor, Cat worked at the Salvation Army ARC, Hooper detox, NARA, The Native Nations and Several methadone clinics in Portland Oregon. Inspired by the book, Second Sight by Judith Orloff, Cat used her many psychic and magical skills to help her clients.
In 2010, Cat’s mother released her from her vow of secrecy about the family witchcraft tradition shortly before she passed away. Cat then joined Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries and by 2012 had become an ordained Pagan Minister and by 2013 was now lead of RTPM. In 2014 Cat also began an initiate path with Phaedra Bonewits.
Cat led Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries a public Pagan group up until 2016 when her son passed away. At that time Cat went private and created The Coven of The Rising Phoenix. In 2019 Cat Attended the last Panthecon where she secured a book deal for her book Psychic Skills For magic and Witchcraft with Llewellyn. In 2020 Cat handed down the Coven of the Rising Phoenix to the Priest and Priestess she had trained. Also, in 2020 Cat had completed her initiate work with Phaedra Bonewits who then initiated Cat into the hermetic tradition she had learned in Chicago.
Cat’s book was released in 2022 and (available on Barnes and Noble and Amazon) that year she attended the Eugene Pagan Pride with Oberon Zell and was gifted a large amount of historical Pagan journals and papers that she then donated to the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft.
As a freelance writer, Cat has written for, Green Egg Magazine, House of Twigs, Metaphysical Times, Full Moon Magazine, and Witches and Pagans Magazine. Cat has been interviewed on many podcasts that can be found on YouTube, including Modern Witch, and Witchcraft TV. Currently Cat is teaching by zoom and can be followed on Facebook through her group Cat Gina Cole/Rogue Valley and you can read her blog and explore more information at catginacole.com

Joanna Brook
Workshop Title: How to Live a Magical Life.
Description: Do you long to live a magical life?
Are you new to the pagan path and looking for lamps to light your way?
Are you an experienced practitioner wanting to step into more liminality in a safe way?
Do you often find yourself in unusual otherworldly, clairvoyant, or otherwise mystical situations and wonder how to manage them while maintaining sanity?
This class is for everyone!
Joanna provides practical ways of working with long established touchstones of the pagan path. When contemplated, enacted, or activated, these touchstones encourage your life to turn in magical directions. She covers topics from Altar to Zephyr, with a focus on the core values inherent in these areas:
- Belief
- Lineage
- Seasonality
- Dreams
- Otherworlds
- Relationship
- Divinities
- Altars
- The Five Elements
- Ritual
- Practice
This class is different. This class is a gem, a treasure. There is a special synthesis of philosophy and practical application made possible by Joanna’s experience. You will take home many inspiring ideas to implement in your quest to live a magical life. This class is:
Ideal for beginners wanting to understand and align themselves with eclectic pagan traditions.
Of great benefit to advanced magical practitioners wanting to reset and refresh their practice.
Bio: Hi! I am Joanna Brook. My public spiritual name is Ruby Brightheart. I began professional Tarot consultations in 2007 at Shamballah Metaphysical Shop. I achieved my Reiki master/teacher certification in 2011, after 4 years of study with Endolumious. In 2012 I added mediumship, to contact your beloved dead, to my offerings to the spiritual community. I am an ordained minister in the Seven Sisters Circle, where I studied eclectic modern paganism, ceremony, astrology, path working, divination, and spiritual counseling with the late Connie Bender, Grandmother Indigo Jewel.
I have a gift of creating sacred space by connecting with the seven directions. I am available for officiating and assisting in pagan and spiritual ceremonies of all kinds. I can often be found at Metaphysical Wellness and Higher Healing Fairs in the Eugene, Oregon area. I also teach private small group and one on one classes on tarot and the pagan path for reasonable rates. For more information please visit https://www.brightheartalchemyguides.com

Tamsen Griggs
Workshop Title: Art of Meditation
Description: At Art of Meditation you will explore the art of Sacred Geometry and how it can help enhance your meditation experience. In this workshop we will make our own mandala style art pieces using Sacred Geometry. You will walk away with beautiful art you created for your meditation practice.
Bio: Tamsen is an abstract artist inspired by visions from meditation and psychedelia. Using bright color palettes, Sacred Geometry, and bold brush strokes, Tamsen creates mandala like pieces that can be described as meditative.

Xia Hunt
Workshop Title: Tarot & Natal astrology
Description: This is a fun and informational workshop on the astrological correspondences used in RWS and Thoth-style tarot decks, particularly as they pertain to natal astrology. Participants will receive a handout with a brief explanation/ review of the astrological correspondences of both the Major and Minor Arcana, which I will go over with them as a group. We will then independently use this information to create a “spread” of our natal charts using the corresponding tarot cards, which we will then interpret as a tarot reading. Participants will be encouraged (not required) to share insights, inspiration, relevant stories, etc, pertaining to their “natal spreads” with one another to enrich everyone’s understanding of tarot and astrology. Participants will need to bring a printout copy of their natal charts (Whole Sign house system is preferred but not mandatory) and their own tarot deck to use for the exercise.A basic understanding of tarot and/or astrology is recommended.
Bio: Born someplace dissatisfying and uninteresting, Xia Hunt is an independent tarot reader, writer, & illustrator, who hates talking in the third person but loves cats, crows, esoteric philosophy, astrology, mythology, and folklore. She received her BFA in Illustration with a focus on sequential art from The Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Xia currently spends her days overworked and undercaffeinated, running the grassroots tarot and occult lifestyle business Xia Hunt (xiahunt.com). She works tirelessly to provide spiritual tools of beauty, meaning, and merit to help you live your most magickal life. As of now, she has written and illustrated three complete decks, The Children of Litha Tarot, The Children of Ostara Tarot, and The Nameless One (A Tarot & Oracle Deck), as well as the latter’s comprehensive Companion Grimoire. Her future projects include finishing the Children of the Wheel Tarot series, (which will consist of eight decks inspired by the Pagan Wheel of the Year, of which Litha and Ostara are the first two installments) as well as many more tarot & oracle decks.

Tamara von Forslun
Workshop Title: How to create and connect with family witchcraft traditions
Description: International author Tamara Von Forslun will discuss how to create a family witchcraft tradition or connect with your existing family tradition. She’ll also discuss how to work with family heirlooms and use them in modern witchcraft practices, as well as connect with historical practices using those heirlooms. She’ll also share the role of ancestors in family witchcraft traditions and how to connect and work with them.
Bio: Tamara von Forslun, known as the Witch of Oz, has been immersed in Wicca, Witchcraft, Magick, Shamanism, Tarot, and Herbal Medicine for over five decades. She is a renowned author and teacher, helping people explore ancient systems to foster a reawakening in the 21st century. Her expertise lies in the Old Religion, Wicca, which emphasizes healing and a deeper awareness of the Mother Goddess.
For more details, visit her official website.

Sifu Ron Philips
Workshop Title: Qi and Energy work in Kungfu
Description: Sifu Ron Philips will be doing a discussion about Qi and energy work in relationship to Kungfu. We will also get a practical demonstration of Kungfu which all participants can take part in.
Bio: Hello, My Name, is Grandmaster “Sifu” Ron Phillips, I’m a 9th degree Black Belt in Red Tiger Kung Fu and the internal Arts of tai chi and Qigong. Me and my lady and my intermediate family transplanted here to Eugene from SoCal 2019, in Southern California where I owned my martial art school Red Tiger Kung Fu for 11years and full motion Kung Fu for 4 years, I did seminars, and judging at the internationals tournaments from San Diego to Los Angeles, long beach and las Vegas, participated martial art venues from parades to self-defense gathering, and I was also a General Contractor for 20+ years and I worked from San Diego through Los Angeles, Orange County and Riverside County “IE”, with the Army corps of engineering on most all military bases, We came up to Eugene because we felt the strong energy coming of the PNW, and to see what type of adventures we get from our life up here, we opened our school Red Tiger kung fu in 2020 and then Groovy Painting and Construction company in 2021 here in Eugene Oregon.

Emily Chappell
Workshop Title: Animal Communication
Description: Often anthropomorphic ideology taints our ideas and notions of animal magic. We will explore some of those human biases and learn to truly communicate with the fauna all around us.
Come on a journey of internal discovery as you shed the ego attached to animal relationships and learn to respect an animals “no.” In perfect trust we will let ourselves fall into the spiritual world of the forest, both urban and wild.
Bio: Emily Chappell is a local heathen and herbalist. She specializes in plant, animal, candle, wand, and water magic.