Eugene Pagan Pride Volunteer Position Details

Eugene Pagan Pride Volunteer Position Details

All positions are voluntary. Eugene Pagan Pride is a Nonprofit 501c3 organization, there are no paid roles at this time. Eugene Pagan Pride Staff  requests if you are interested and accepted to take a position that you please understand that we would like you to have the position for the year and if you desire to step away, to help us find and train the next to take over the position.  

All staff responsibilities

  • All Eugene Pagan Pride staff must agree to the tenets/mission statement of Eugene Pagan Pride group.
  • If an assistant is desired or needed please find one or ask for help finding one.
  • Attend Eugene Pagan Pride meetings the 3rd Thursday of the month, every month at 6:30pm over Zoom, and as events come closer, additional meetings may be added with possibility of in person as well.
  • If unavailable to attend, a proxy (an assistant is a viable option), an email or message notes to the group chat will be acceptable. Please note that excessive absence could require us to find a replacement.
  • Be at any and all events whenever possible (fundraisers, work parties, and day of). If you are unavailable the first Sunday in August, please do not volunteer for a coordinator role. More hands make light the work. Life happens, or emergencies happen but barring that… please be at the events.  
  • If an assistant is obtained- please be the go between Eugene Pagan Pride meetings and communication with them if they do not attend. They are not required to attend if they do not desire to, communication is key here.
  • Staff need to sign off on their job sheets to indicate that they understand the responsibilities of the positions.


  • Using Eugene Pagan Prides Canva account for all the marketing – all marketing created is owned by Eugene Pagan Pride 501c3 – Eugene Pagan Pride needs to be able to re-use assets.
  • It is the marketing persons responsibility to ask for information, search for information, and put together the information in a visually appealing way to gain interest in Eugene Pagan Pride events.
  • Please communicate if something is needed or advice on how to/and where to find info
  • As often as possible please be available for Eugene Pagan Pride events to help promote, do live social media posts and if able take pictures so Eugene Pagan Pride can have images to help spread the events.
  • This is a busy job, posting for the events including fundraisers needs to happen regularly and using Eugene Pagan Prides Meta business account is how this is achieved currently. Regularly meaning – as events are coming posting several times a week leading up to the events and when further out at least once a week to keep growing/visible. Eugene Pagan Pride currently uses Facebook and Instagram. We have a YouTube channel and are exploring other social media avenues.
  • If an assistant is desired, think about someone who can take pictures, do video or other things along these lines, if it is not in your wheelhouse.

Vibe and Ambiance Coordinator

  • Make the environment more engaging and immersive
  • Schedule and plan work  days to build assets for Eugene Pagan Pride Events
  • Be at event day of to place assets
  • Find ways to borrow stage pieces or decorations from local organizations
  • Engage with attendees of event, and find other volunteers who will add to the atmosphere (cosplayers for example)

Public Relations

  • Reaching out to publications, news stations, radio, local calendars, etc in Oregon to promote Eugene Pagan Pride events
  • Asking for reporters to come out to Eugene Pagan Pride events to get the story
  • It is the responsibility of the Public Relations Coordinator to ask for information, search for information, and put together the information to share with radio, news, etc.
  • Works with marketing to get images taken or get images to use if contacts need/want them
  • Write press releases for distribution and posting to the website

Workshop Coordinator

  • The workshop coordinator is responsible for finding, connecting and vetting potential speakers for the Eugene Pagan Pride celebration. The workshop coordinator looks for both local, national, and international talent that would be interested in presenting at Eugene Pagan Pride.
  • They evaluate possible presenters for the following criteria:
    • Who the presenter is and how they show up in the community, ethically and spiritually
    • Is the presenter an author and if so what books have they written?
    • The class content the presenter will offer – will it draw people to the event
    • Social media and newsletter marketing and outreach by the author.
  • Plan the scheduling for workshops – Eugene Pagan Pride can have multiple tracks
  • The workshop coordinator also determines what compensation, if any, will be offered to the presenter. The coordinator does need to run anything by the PPD team and director.
  • Additionally the coordinator helps with planning accommodations, rides, activities, and any other needs to make for ensuring a pleasant experience for any presenter that is out of the area.
  • Plan a meet and greet for presenters before the event.
  • The workshop coordinator gets the headshot, bio, and workshop description from the presenter and shares it with PPD team.
  • Stay in communication with workshop presenters

Volunteer Coordinator

  • Promotes the event to ask for volunteer help
  • Organizes and schedules volunteers throughout events
  • Works with marketing to produce call outs for volunteers
  • Works with each department that have things to do at the events to find out how many volunteers are needed
  • Makes sure info booth is staffed for the day of
  • This job is for someone who is more outgoing and a little more extroverted to help encourage  and excite people in helping out at the Eugene Pagan Pride events.
  • Help produce ways to thank and encourage volunteers

Ritual Coordinator

  • Coordinates the ritual either by leading it or finding a person or group to lead the public ritual that happens around 3pm day of.
  • You’re responsible for your group performing the ritual – you need to make sure that all persons helping are also in agreement with Eugene Pagan Pride tenets and mission statement. – this also means that in public forums ritual volunteers aren’t using exclusionary or harmful language.  Please be sure to vet your ritual team. We are living in a time where there’s too much danger in having people who could be harmful involved.
  • Please make sure that the ritual is available for all to attend, no exclusionary language allowed.
  • Eugene Pagan Pride would like to widen the net for types of rituals. It does not need to be Wiccan only. Eugene Pagan Pride is looking for more cultural exchanges and opportunities for people to experience different ritual styles and traditions.

Vendor Coordinator

  • Build application for vendors
  • Vet vendor applications. Eugene Pagan Pride has a growing list.  Priority given to well curated products, well marketed businesses with social media and online presence, and a balanced representation of different product types.
  • Organize information vendors give
  • Give vendors info to the marketing person- the list of vendors is large- you round up the info more than marketing can or has time to… so this will be helpful. Help marketing coordinator with making sure any social media posts are appropriate to vendors.
  • Email invoices and keep track of those who have paid, or haven’t.
  • Day of setting up vending spaces – marking the ground where vendors go with their number, direct with other volunteers where vendors will be going to set up.
  • Make sure Eugene Pagan Pride has flags for marking spaces and picked up once vendors arrive, also make sure flags are numbered
  • Give info to  vendors with emails and also help encourage Pagan Pride vendors to market that they’ll be at the event.